About Book
A book of poetry as submission to the Lord and His Creation. The objective is to
bring spiritual awakening and moral uplift among humanity, which is the way to
instill humanism, contentment, benevolence, selfless service, humility and
righteous action. Poetry has universal appeal and compels one to act for the
welfare of humanity by serving the afflicted and downtrodden.
कविता की एक पुस्तक में भगिान और उनकी रचना को प्रस्तुत करने के रूप। इसका
उद्देश्य मानिता में आध्यात्ममक जागतृत और नतैतक उमथान लाना है, जो मानितािाद, संतोष,
परोपकार, तनिःस्िाथथ सेिा, नम्रता और नेक कायथ करने का तरीका है। कविता में सािभथ ौममक
अपील है और पीड़ितों और दमलतों की सेिा करके मानिता के कल्याण के मलए कायथ करने
के मलए मजबूर करती है।
AboutSant Santokh Singh Ji
was born philosopher and poet who artistically penned his thoughts in
the form of beautiful a yet simple poetry which drew inspiration from his personal
encounters with The Almighty. Brought up in an ordinary family in current Pakistan, he
enriched the lives of others and his own with the treasure of the Contentment, Gratitude,
Mercy, Affection, Service & Simaran (Re collection of Lord’s name). In his early years he rose
toa high position which he later lost in the partition of Punjab. In the process of regaining
from the loss he suffered paralytic stroke, but his Poetical gift and oneness with God was
only beginning to flower.
Even after the passing away of his beloved wife, his life remained contented under the
SUPREME WILL of God as he said “tk s djkos lksbZ djnk] pkdj nk nlrwj” He assured he was
slave of God and did what He ordained for him. His life and poetry is a practical guide to
attain salvation through complete submission to God and His Will .i.e. Be merciful, serve
humanity and share sufferings of others etc.
The Contents & Style of his poetry reflects the deep-rooted relationship of a man with The
Almighty and is heart rending & soul-searching. The use of variety in his forms of poetry, his
metaphors its Sufi rhythm and figurative expressions and words make him an immortal